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The ALITA SOLIA Awards 2021 - It's A Wrap!

23,000 people brought together.
51 candidates.
6 recipients.
​​​​​​​One Asia-Pacific.

After months of planning, nominating, voting and judging, we're proud to bring the inaugural ALITA SOLIA Awards - Asia-Pacific's first legal innovation and technology awards - to a successful close!

After an exciting round of voting and close assessment by our esteemed judges during TechLaw.Fest 2021, we're pleased to present our ALITA Main Awards winners for 2021:

  • Lower The Bar: Recipient of Legal Technology Entrant Award 2021

  • InSync Evidence Platform - DR Transformed: Recipient of Legal Transformation Award 2021

  • Lower The Bar: Recipient ofTech-cess to Justice Award 2021

They join the winners of the People's Choice Categories as our inaugural award recipients of the ALITA SOLIA Awards 2021 - congratulations!

Asia-Pacific coming together as one

Besides celebrating our winners, we also celebrate our wins as a community. As the first celebration of the Asia-Pacific legal innovation and technology industry's innovation, daring and purpose, the Awards show even the toughest skeptics that the sparks amongst us are worth cheering on, and that our community is at its finest when we unite together.

The Awards also saw an amazing reception. It brought together over 20,000 people online. Organisations from over 20 jurisdictions around the world threw their hats in the ring, from the humblest teams to large law firms. This inspires us to want to do even better for the community in the Award's next edition!

The people who made it happen

We'd like to thank our esteemed judging panel, comprising Justice Lee Seiu Kin (Judge, Supreme Court of Singapore), Mary O'Carroll (Chief Community Officer, Ironclad, Inc.) and Mark Beer, OBE (Co-Founder, Seven Pillars Law), for their support, time and keen eye for thoroughly ensuring the quality of our award recipients!

We'd also like to thank our partners: Linklaters and CLOC (Gold Partners), Clifford Chance (Silver Partner), TechLaw.Fest (Event Partner), (Website Partner) and Skolkovo Legal Tech (Outreach Partner) for supporting us in making the event possible.

Most of all, we'd like to thank all 51 candidates for stepping up to the plate and inspiring us all with your amazing projects, and to all voters for cheering your favourite teams on. The buzz generated is what really made the Awards come to life!

The saying goes: "All good things must come to an end". But in ALITA, we believe otherwise -- we're only just getting started. Thank you all once again, and we'll see you at an even bigger and better ALITA SOLIA Awards 2022!

For the Asia-Pacific,


ALITA SOLIA Awards Closing.png
Later Event: December 29
Here's to 2022!