We, the Members of the Asia-Pacific Legal Innovation and Technology Association:

Convinced by the unique role that legal technology can play in enhancing access to justice in the Asia-Pacific region (“APAC”);

Mindful of the developmental priorities of each legal jurisdiction in APAC;

Committed to strengthen and promote community-building in the legal technology sector through regional cooperation;

Inspired and united by the fundamental values of openness, collaboration, inclusivity, and sharing;

Hereby decide to establish a pan-regional legal innovation and technology association for APAC.

  1. Name. The official name shall be the Asia-Pacific Legal Innovation and Technology Association (“ALITA”), a non-profit association founded in Singapore.

  2. Purpose. The ALITA’s purpose shall be as follows:

    • To promote the development and use of legal technology, as well as to advance thought leadership in the field of legal technology, in APAC;

    • To support local legal technology associations by providing guidance and expertise in the creation and operation of local legal technology associations;

    • To enhance connections and collaboration between governments, law firms, technology companies and communities, and in so doing, generate opportunities and build a future-ready, innovative, and technologically-advanced APAC legal industry.

  3. Restrictions. All policies and activities of the ALITA must be consistent with all applicable laws, regulations and requirements in force in the jurisdiction of any country in which the ALITA’s offices are located.

  4. Membership Eligibility. Any law firm, chambers, company, law school, court, bar association, corporate legal department, governmental organisation, non-governmental organisation or clubs which has an interest in legal innovation and/or legal technology is eligible for membership.