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ALITA's Second Members' Call - June 2021

ALITA’s Second Members’ Call - June 2021

Following the success of the first ALITA Members' Call in April 2021, ALITA was pleased to bring our members to the next session of of our ALITA Members’ Call — an initiative to drive performance and success through insights, information and interaction.

Tapping on ALITA's vast network of legal innovation industry leaders, the 2nd ALITA’s Members’ Call continued the spirit of being exclusive zone within which deep insights could be cultivated, information shared and networks developed, all in an informal and specially-tailored manner.

Second Members’ Call in June 2021

On 23 June 2021 (Wednesday), we organised our second Members’ Call. The Call featured Andrew Arruda, CEO of Automate Medical, Co-Founder of ROSS Intelligence, and a member of ALITA’s Board of Advisors, as our key speaker.

Andrew’s sharing centred on How to Build a Legal Tech Start-Up. In the discussion that followed, participants learnt and discussed about the four key areas of building a legal tech start-up: Product, User, Team and Execution. The group also discussed about how these insights could be used to spot high-potential legal tech start-ups, and how even law firms and organisations could use these principles to adopt a “start-up mindset”.

We are very pleased to see our members’ continued support for ALITA’s Members’ Calls, and glad that we achieved the objectives of providing an informal and exclusive space for deeper discussions about the industry to be had. Participants’ feedback was also highly positive, reflecting the demand for such an initiative.

We look forward to seeing more members at the next Members’ Call!

For the Asia-Pacific,

