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ALITA's Inaugural Members' Call - April 2021

Introduction to ALITA’s Members’ Calls

Today, as the world continues to live with multiple lockdowns and restrictions, we are lacking the very ingredients that drive performance and success - insights, information and interaction.

Tapping on ALITA's vast network of legal innovation industry leaders, ALITA launched a members-only programme known as ALITA’s Members’ Calls. The Members’ Calls are an exclusive zone within which deep insights may be cultivated, information shared and networks developed, all in an informal and specially-tailored manner.

Every session, which will be held every 1-2 months, will feature a top speaker in the legal innovation and technology industry. These range across topics about techonlogy, macro and micro industry trends, regulatory issues and more. After a sharing by the speaker, participants will be invited to share their views and experiences in a moderated setting. This will allow all participants to learn different perspectives, and develop clarity and make sense of regional dvelopments.

Inaugural Members’ Call in April 2021

On 7 April 2021 (Wednesday), we organised our inaugural Members’ Call, featuring Dr Mimi Zou, who heads Oxford University's Deep Tech Dispute Resolution Lab, as our key speaker. Dr Zou’s sharing centred on Machine Learning for Dispute Avoidance. In the discussion that followed, which saw the 20 participants from 7 APAC jurisdictions, representatives of participating member organisations discussed vigorously about the uses of AI in dispute resolution, and future trends in the legal industry.

We are very pleased to see the reception to our inaugural Members’ Call, and glad that we achieved the objectives of providing an informal and exclusive space for deeper discussions about the industry to be had. Participants’ feedback was also positive, reflecting the demand for such an initiative.

We look forward to seeing more members at the next Members’ Call. Details will be released soon!

For the Asia-Pacific,


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