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ALITA: Opening for a Business Strategy Manager

The Asia-Pacific Legal Innovation and Technology Association (ALITA) is hiring!

We’re looking a dedicated, enterprising and hard-working individual to join us on a part-time basis as our Business Strategy Manager. The Manager will be tasked to execute and realise our Steering Committee’s visions and directions, and be a key part in launching ALITA towards our next phase of development!

Given our regional nature, we’re also happy for the role to be filled and performed remotely!

If you’re looking for an opportunity to develop a regional organisation whilst managing other pursuits, and are interested in driving and coordinating the region’s legal innovation and technology landscape, we’re looking for you!

Interested candidates should send their CV and a cover letter to, explaining why they would like to join ALITA as our Business Strategy Manager and what they can bring to ALITA. We will be accepting applications until 31 March 2021.

Read below for the details of the role.



The ALITA Business Strategy Manager should be a dedicated, enterprising and hardworking individual who will be tasked to execute and realise the ALITA Steering Committee’s visions and directions, thus launching ALITA towards its next phase of development. The Manager’s key tasks and prerogatives include the following:

  • Identifying, creating and capturing funding and sponsorship opportunities for ALITA;

  • Helping ALITA establish a robust and sustained presence in APAC through ALITA’s


  • Helping to organise Board of Advisor and Steering Committee meetings;

  • Lead and direct the existing Secretariat, as well as to help establish the regional


  • Helping establish ALITA’s corporate and governance structures; and

  • Other related or incidental activities.


A candidate for the ALITA Business Strategy Manager position will be considered if he or she possesses:

  • Experience seeking and capturing funding and sponsorship opportunities

  • Good sense of responsibility and responsiveness

  • A character of good standing, trustworthiness, dependability, and uprightness

  • Ability to converse and work professionally in English

A candidate will also be given extra consideration if he or she has:

  • An ability to work with people from different cultures and regions; and

  • Some understanding of legal innovation and technology and the state of legal technology in the Asia-Pacific.

Other remarks

  • This is a role that can be performed remotely.

  • This is also a part-time role. A candidate may be employed in another role whilst holding the role, subject to the lack of any conflicts of interest, and further subject to approval from ALITA and from any other organisation(s) the candidate may be employed in.


  • Base part-time salary: ​S$500 / month for 15 - 20 hours of work a week.

  • Bonus incentive: ​5% of the amount of any financial funding/sponsorship deal that the candidate is able to acquire for ALITA (of which benefits must accrue reasonably

    immediately for ALITA).