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30% Off Conference Tickets for Future Law 2024!

ALITA is proud to be supporting organisation of the FutureLaw Conference 2024, the premier legal innovation conference in the Baltics and the largest in Northern Europe. The FutureLaw Conference 2024 is where a distinct concentration of the future of technology and its role in citizentry and government is in Tallinn, Estonia.

This year's lineup is stellar, including global legaltech and egalinnovation thought leaders/ gurus such as Olga V. Mack, Alex Hamilton, Dazza Greenwood, Damien Riehl, Alan Ragueneau, Sally Guyer, Uwais Iqbal, and ALITA’s co-chair Brian W Tang.

As a supporting organisation, all ALITA members (regardless of office location) will be entitled to 30% off the regular conference price.

ALITA members can see more details of the landmark event and register here:

Many thanks to European Legal Technology Association (ELTA) and LEGID for the opportunity to collaborate and raise the bar for legal innovation and technology across the world.